Community Question

i will get @DarkMaster to look into this for you once he's online atm nobody is chatting tbh is a place where we share music and memes kinda break up the dark subject matter of this site so don't worry atm you're not missing out on anything :ROFLMAO: i'll get it sorted asap for you :)
When i click the chat i don't see people talking about stuff and it says you do not the permission to use the chat
Yes, it is normal that new users who have not participated in the forum and do not have any posts do not have permissions to participate in the chat. This is a logical anti-spam measure. Participate in the forum and you will have permissions to participate in the chat.
Yes, it is normal that new users who have not participated in the forum and do not have any posts do not have permissions to participate in the chat. This is a logical anti-spam measure. Participate in the forum and you will have permissions to participate in the chat.
I uploaded 2 videos on here and i am still not allowed to talk in the chat.