Community Tor Search Engines - DeepWeb


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SearX is a metasearch engine that you should use on both the ground web and the dark web. It does not share IP addresses or search history to protect your privacy. Additionally, block tracking cookies to avoid results based on user profiles.
Your queries can be sent via HTTPS POST to prevent keyphrases from being displayed in network server logs.
Best of all, you can search for detailed queries. This means you can search for photos, maps, information, movies, social media posts, and much more.


Kilos is one of the dark web search engines that has been primarily designed for the Dark Web. It was launched in November 2019 and provides cybercriminals with a platform to find answers to their dark queries, search for services on the Dark Web, and find the right person to deal with all the wrong tasks. For example, if someone wants to secretly trade Bitcoin, they just need to type in the relevant keywords and the deed will be done.


Built just about 3 years ago, the inspiration for the design of this site is obvious: Google. The attempt to imitate the kind of simplicity that the tech giant has on the dark web has brought it good traffic, as the number of indexed sites grows every day.


With an aura of simplicity, notEvil is believed to have been inspired by Google. It is also said that it took its name from Google's motto back in the day of "don't be evil." For search, users have multiple options to select their results, which are titles, URLs, or both combined.


This particular search engine was built by Hugbunt3r, a prominent member of the popular Dread service on the dark web. Its goal is to serve as a database through which users can search for products from different sellers on different dark web markets.
Individual profile display options for sellers and marketplaces are also available, including details such as ratings, mirror links, number of listings, and uptime percentage.


The web's favorite, other than Google, has become famous for not recording its search exercise, but offering first-class results. This attention to privacy makes it the default search engine for Tor Browser.
Not like Ahmia and Haystak, however, DuckDuckGo does not search for .onion websites. Use it to search the traditional web from the privacy of your Tor Browser.


Haystak also uses a custom dark web crawler and filters out dangerous content.
Haystak also offers a premium version that allows you to perform advanced searches, access historical content, and receive email alerts.


However, Ahmia is not a conventional search engine. Based on security researcher Juha Nurmi, Ahmia is basically a list of "hidden" websites that do need to be discovered. Onion websites are “crawled” and added to the list if their “robots.txt” file allows it, and if they are not on your blacklist of websites with abusive material. Website operators can also submit their own .onion websites for indexing.


Torch is perhaps one of the most popular darknet search engines URLs and websites to date and is recognized throughout the Internet for having the largest link database and indexing onion search engines.
With over a million results hidden on the Dark Web, it is also one of the oldest onion link search websites.
Torch is one of the oldest and most popular search engines on the dark web, serving more than 80,000 requests a day. Torch is primarily funded through advertising – purchased in BTC, of course – so you'll find the homepage covered in old-school ads of dubious provenance.
Interesante, solo una pregunta. ¿Se requiere tener algún tipo de seguridad en el dispositivo antes de ingresar a estos sitios web?