Compilation 196 - Piggsy´s lovely Attic Ballad

I can’t tell what I’m looking at?
A giant cyst in someone’s back or chest ?
Whatever It is it looks narsty
This one for some reason actually made me feel uneasy watching whatever this is in the photo lol
Other than that - i need something new to say sooooooo - on a shit scale - it’s a huge steamy pile of dinosaur shit - can smel it 12 miles away it’s that strong …. A lot of animals probably turn the other way when they smell some shit like this, but only the dankest reptiles leave heaping mounds this good!

The cyst thing tho is stil making me go ”WTFFF is that”


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okay do you know if there is any other way to watch it, and did it get taken down on here
AFAIK there´s no other Site/App to watch it, at least i didn´t post it anywhere else...
And yup, it got flagged and taken down not even an hour after i´ve posted it and every Link from a hosting service got also taken down very quickly...
Don´t get me wrong, but if you expecting to see illegal footage, you´re wasting your time...
Only very few People understood what i was trying to tell with this Movie, that´s the reason why i don´t "promote it" anymore...