Community Anyone have tips for self harm?

I wanna do it feel but cant. I feel like a dissapointment. Any tips for doing it deep? I don't need pity just tips. Thank you.
When and if you get upset enough you will do it. I would not advise you to do it tho, those scars are there for life. Wishing you good luck....
Self harm is one of the few things that didn't make anyone's life better. We are not a kind of people to judge you, but since you are still hesitating, maybe you should reconsider your decision. What it will bring to you? Pleasure? Relief? Satisfaction? I don't think so. I talked to a couple of people who did such things in the past, but they both said that there's no point in it. You'll just end up with a few scars, it's not worth it.
I wanna do it feel but cant. I feel like a dissapointment. Any tips for doing it deep? I don't need pity just tips. Thank you.
Why do you think you´re a "disappointment"...?
Bro, GoreBook might be a Gore site, but that doesn´t mean that you can´t talk to People about your Worries and Issues...
And hey, quite honestly, i think you´re not such a huge disappointment than me...
Brand new Boxcutter (the sharpest shit on earth, I swear) and biting down on something. I used to cut and that's like the fool proof method. The faster you cut, the less you feel (although I think the whole point is to feel the pain but what do I know?)
Why do You want to harm Yourself? You said that You are dissapointment of lack succeed in that. Do You see it as accomplishment?
imo if You don't feel like doing something just don't do it. It's like if You are heterosexual do not try to masturbate watching gay porn
Try something else and You will find joy without pushing Yourself into things You don't want to do ;)
Talk to a therapist, call a line, get help. You are not a dissapointment, just always remember there is someone out there who is having a much worst life than yours. (cartels(the ones getting executed), ukraine wars, hamas etc.).
I wanna do it feel but cant. I feel like a dissapointment. Any tips for doing it deep? I don't need pity just tips. Thank you.
Why? I'm not giving you attention (dispite the fact that I'm giving you attention right now). If you want to hurt yourself then just walk around in the hood with a brand new pair of sneakers, a big gold chain, a Trump hat, and call the biggest man on the block a "nigger." Trust me, if you do that then you will not have any problems with fearing self harm, of anything at all really.
When you do, share a video. You can go beyond the dermis with a number 11 blade, or use a cutter. Remember that we are all pathetic shits, so don't feel so bad.
Tips???? Lol you're coming to a gore site to ask this? You just need to... cut deep? There are no tricks involved. Just take something sharp and slash your skin. The faster the better. If it doesn't turn out to be deep just cut over it to make it deeper. Take care of your cuts. Don't lick them. Clean your tools. Infections are really nasty and you definitely don't want to have them. Don't try to go any deeper than fat, or self harm in a places like inner side of your arm or inner thigh because of the major arteries present there. It gets you into a really dangerous zone and you might die. But judging from you name, I guess you wouldn't mind it haha
I wanna do it feel but cant. I feel like a dissapointment. Any tips for doing it deep? I don't need pity just tips. Thank you.
My advice is always use extreme razer shqrp blades so that you feel least pain while cutting