
New member
Necesito de tu ayuda para saber como hacer bombas caseras efectivas, tengo varios archivos guardados de como hacerlo pero el poder de esas bombas no está diseñado para matar humanos, necesito saber cómo hacerlas con un temporizador o activarlas desde un celular quien quiera ayudarme que me mande un mensaje al correo donde aparezco como:

I need your help to know how to make effective homemade bombs, I have several files saved on how to do it but the power of those bombs is not designed to kill humans, I need to know how to make them with a timer or activate them from a cell phone, whoever wants to help me send me a message for me email where I appear as:
Se que suena estupido pero planeo hacer un tiroteo en Ciudad ****** en el año 2025, necesito sacar a todos estos putos ignorantes de su misera vida, incluso e llegado a pensar que les haria un favor ya que al ser asesinados por mi serian recordados cada año, tambien planeo suicidarme al final, de igual manera ya perdi el sentido de la vida, todos los dias la misma rutina, para que? No lo se, solo se que mis esfuerzos se iran a la mierda cuando muera y si voy a morir no hay nada mejor que haciéndolo a mi manera, tambien e notado que una persona que le pierde el miedo a la muerte puede hacer lo que desea, simplemente es como si se quitara las limitaciones de encima. Tengo planeado explotar las bombas llenas de fragmentos en un lugar bastante alejado de donde va a suceder la masacre para que se enfoquen en las explosiones producidas por ambas bombas y me de mas tiempo de matar a 10 y herir a otros 10, unos se iran conmigo y otros me recordaran por el resto de su vida. El tiroteo sera en ese año ya que por el momento estoy activo en una ciudad diferente, cuando llegue a mi ciudad natal eliminare a mis compañeros y el plan entrara en marcha. (Espero el ejercito no trate de tapar la noticia para no dañar su imagen, seria una pena que uno de sus soldados hiciera un atentado de tal magnitud).
edgelord statement anyone who is going to do a national shooting would not advertise as such to a forum why would u even do that i don't think harris and klebold was on a gore forum asking how they made there bombs for columbine LUL id not worry to much about this statement i can find the exact same blueprint them lads used for theirs in columbine with a simple google search if this dude can't make diy ieds and has to come here to get help that says it all imo :rolleyes:
I myself was looking for videos on how to make a bomb, can you send me those videos? or some link that you send me to those manufacturing videos
>Mira, agradece que me levanté de buen humor porque sino te mando al infierno.
fuck off and never come back, three letter agent
tired of you retards trying to get this site taken down
I banned um now with all the shit and bad press coming here atm last thing i want is this place to be known for what it once was which was a cesspit of everything imaginable illegal or not no 1 seemed to give a fuck if news like i've seen the past few days continues this site will be doomed to fail cause people keep making dumb ass choices i had to have some random on youtube today says as your mod and der Führer i advocate for cp and rape to be traded in dm's which has never been the case i've never said trade illegal shit in dms just ya fucked up fantasies of necro and rape they say any attention is good attention but posts like this one and the one i seen recently a girl posted about wanted to be killed and maimed like posts like that will fuck this site in the long run imo.

Fuck that person and there youtube channel. Not everyone watches gore videos. Theres other sites for her to attack so I wouldn't worry much. All gore sites contain people who ask for illegal shit. And from time to time people post illegal shit. Take livegore. There's a couple of people that are still active on there that I reported for being pedos and nothing happened. One of the reasons why I left that site. It's just up to us to keep all that bullshit out.

Plus, my banner is cooler.
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Fuck that person and there youtube channel. Not everyone watches gore videos. Theres other sites for her to attack so I wouldn't worry much. All gore sites contain people who ask for illegal shit. And from time to time people post illegal shit. Take livegore. There's a couple of people that are still active on there that I reported for being pedos and nothing happened. One of the reasons why I left that site. It's just up to us to keep all that bullshit out.

Plus, my banner is cooler.
i totally agree but on the real i hate how people judge us all under one umbrella im into narco culture and war i don't trust the news to tell me truth and do my own research so i watch shit that wont be shown on national tv so am i the same as someone asking for child abuse or necrophilia cause i watch zeta videos.

The way the outside world sees it were all the same thats whats annoying and the fact i gotta defend us all as were not all like fatal and ripper and the collective like is mentioned in these series of videos she took the worst of the worst to use.