Suicide Russia- Guy in discord call dies of OD, onlookers laugh



Backstory found at Source: "I found a discord server where this dude was sitting, and yes, he really died, everyone thought he was joking and didn't take him seriously, they thought that he just mixed some kind of powder with water. I talked to the server administrator, and he confirmed the death (he saw it with his own eyes). This guy died back in May, he mixed 20 ml of vodka with 1 g of methadone and died. All that is known is that his name was Artem, that he broke up with his girlfriend, took 20,000 rubles from the bank and finally wanted to spend it somewhere (it is unknown where, he just took the money before his death). Some participant was able to find his sister or girlfriend and conveyed information that he had been lying dead at home for several days. There is also a video about him on YouTube, which confirms his death, but it is in Russian"
Methadone is an opiate, and ingesting 1g or more of it is considered a guaranteed death sentence.
Бедный Артём, над ним издевались люди смеясь после его смерти посмотрев скажу я был тем кто кого сложно добиться плакать но этим видео... Я полностью расплакался с тем что они насмехались а родители плакали.
Пздц, что за люди там сидят и угарают над тем как человек выпилился и над горем родителей
Я в ахуе с таких отбросов общества
это пиздец,я поражаюсь с людей как так можно,какие то там сука хуйланы ржут над родителями которые плачут над смертью своего ребенка,покойся с миром Артем,царство ему небесное