Funny California clean up

What a shitty video. Ban who post. White trash who thinks he's better than someone, but he doesnt know he is just a fucking shit...
poor boneless guy eat some health food
Nazis as always embarrassed. They think they are superior, but they are the same as religious imbeciles, they follow the rules of their bunch of underdeveloped monkeys
This video is from NSo9a formerly "National Socialist Order", their entire thing is revolting against the rules
I wouldn't classify them as traditional national socialists
This video is from NSo9a formerly "National Socialist Order", their entire thing is revolting against the rules
I wouldn't classify them as traditional national socialists
Os nazistas, como sempre, envergonhados. Eles se acham superiores, mas sĆ£o iguais aos imbecis religiosos, seguem as regras do seu bando de macacos subdesenvolvidos
Tu tem inveja de todo mundo, desse ser um fracassado que parou no tempo mal sucedido e sĆ³ sabe reclamar, enquanto vocĆŖ vive reclamando os outros vivem sua vida numa boa, atĆ© pq vc nĆ£o faz diferenƧa, apenas peso na terra.