Community why is it so easy to find illegal content on dark web?


i stumbled through a cp site without even looking for it. it's so easy and i'm shocked that those sites can operate as if it was normal content.
i know little of the dark web u speak of.... so technically i dont know how it all works^

moving in one side and out of the other side of (an opening, channel, or location).
"she walked through the doorway into the living room"
its hardly stumbling when you dont hit the back arrow or exit the page just putting that out there
stumbling through kinda gives the idea off that you were browsing .... not stumbling

......look into ryan montgomery that guy shuts down those sites for a living if im not mistaken, hacker who hunts pedofiles etc etc
he would have the best answer to this question and if u hit him up on social media he will reply lol
yeah seriously. like i was for 10 minutes on the deep web and suddenly multiple "jailbait" websites popped up in the results. obv i dont know if it was just bait or real but its still "scary" that cp is that easy to get.
its on the clearnet also even google images believe it or not

13 mins into this video , shows u exactly how pedo shit stays available on the clearnet....
Oye, entonces dices que entraste a una página de contenido de cp sin que hicieras nada, bueno y ¿cómo se llamaba esa página? ¿Eso tiene un nombre? Sólo pregunto porque tenía curiosidad.