Community Beneath the Iceberg GoreFlix Documentary



Covers legion, fatal and others in the GoreFlix commu in a very negative view as she seeks to criminalize legion's mixtapes with DD audio and accuses legion of having a pedophilic Twitter account
Well you guys were more then happy talking to this person lol besides the shit she said about @Legion she ain't wrong though lol i became a mod here cause i was told cp rape and zoosadism was freely exchanged here like it was candy on halloween she was here in august i showed up beginning of september and i've told her that is nothing like it was when she was here last which is not let's be real here i aint seeing the same shit shared anymore as for the daisy audio i've told "lima" (i did laugh at that) since day 1 that was a bad move and will haunt him now till the end of time.