Community Please Look At Updated Rules On GoreBook

Hey y'all

So i've noticed a lot of sick shit being either requested here or straight up uploaded here and with that being said i know in the gore community there are many people within it some people like to watch rape some animal crush some even go as far as wanting cp or csam content some like true crime aspects to gore some people use it to show people just how dark this world truly is some use it as expression of art but again some of these things are FUCKING ILLEGAL

In closing please check the updated rules here this aint the wild west no more and if i see posts of any kind with illicit content it will be removed and a warning issued and i cant believe im even suggesting this but if you sick fucks who have crept out from your swamp in tor with ya amber alerts and daisys destructions set a telegram up (not a discord be smart for fuck sake) and all go share ya sick shit there cause most of the world the gore community included dont agree with what you enjoy or put out there for other to view keep to ya own fucking people and keep it off this site


Have a nice day gore hounds !
Concordo em proibir estupros, zoofilia e pedofilia. Sobre videos de violencia contra animas, minha opinião é incerta. Pornografia gratuita poderia ser proibida pois aqui é uma comunidade de gore e não de putaria, apenas os videos com algum tipo de injuria poderiam ficar. Por favor, vocês da administração, não deletem postagens de gore so porque vocês não gostaram, não quero que esta comunidade vire como o WatchPeopleDie ou o Reddit, com gore "leve", eu so vim pro goreflix por causa de seus videos mais pesados e proibidos em outras comunidades.
I agree with prohibiting rape, zoophilia and pedophilia. Regarding videos of violence against animals, my opinion is uncertain. Free pornography could be banned because this is a community of gore and not of whoredom, only videos with some type of insult could remain. Please, you from the administration, don't delete gore posts just because you didn't like it, I don't want this community to become like WatchPeopleDie or Reddit, with "light" gore, I only came to goreflix because of its heavier videos and prohibited in other communities.
goreflix has the same kind of gore ull find on goresee deadhouse ect i dont know why u think this place has content so taboo may of been that place a year ago but its no longer this way .................
goreflix has the same kind of gore ull find on goresee deadhouse ect i dont know why u think this place has content so taboo may of been that place a year ago but its no longer this way .................
Actually about Dead House it has content GF forbids zoo sadist clips