Community There should be a proper search bar


New member
so i want to look at gore but the problem is i have to scroll a lot and i am unaware on how to use the filter with title by title. pls help me learn how to use the filter of if its use id for some thing els.
so i want to look at gore but the problem is i have to scroll a lot and i am unaware on how to use the filter with title by title. pls help me learn how to use the filter of if its use id for some thing els.
Dude, there are literally different Sections which you just have to select...

so i want to look at gore but the problem is i have to scroll a lot and i am unaware on how to use the filter with title by title. pls help me learn how to use the filter of if its use id for some thing els.
sorry bud but the search feature is restricted by a role that is acquired via posting a certain amount of messages, iirc. You'll need to post a bit before you unlock the ability to search threads and private message other users.
sorry bud but the search feature is restricted by a role that is acquired via posting a certain amount of messages, iirc. You'll need to post a bit before you unlock the ability to search threads and private message other users.
Yup. You need to engage more in the forum by commenting, reacting to post, and uploading content to use the search bar feature.
so i want to look at gore but the problem is i have to scroll a lot and i am unaware on how to use the filter with title by title. pls help me learn how to use the filter of if its use id for some thing els.
it's not hard and doesn't take much time to unlock the search bar. just get good
I can attest to that. Just engage more. Take a look at some threads and give your thoughts or opinion. Try to stay on topic though.
Is this reddit?
reddit didnt start this.
almost every forum has this feature, mostly for the purpose of stopping bot users who join to post horrible shit or links to CP. Without it there'd be nothing to stop anyone from just coming in and spamming whatever.
We have a reoccurring user on this site who joins to spam zoosadism, this feature helps put a dent in his plans most of the time.