Community Thoughts on UrbanSpook?


I’m actually genuinely curious about your opinion(s) on this guy. For those of you who somehow don’t know who I’m referring too, UrbanSpook is a semi-controversial YouTuber who made an analog series that ended blowing up in popularity for it’s gruesome images and descriptions of messed up crimes that had taken place by a mass murder under the alliance “The Painter”. The Painter would leave paintings of the people he had killed for the detectives to find after the crime(s) had been committed. The paintings depicted the cruel way(s) that his victims had died as a taunting towards the cops who would always arrive when it was already too late. The reason many people had grown to dislike his creation was due to the pure shock value that it had. If you haven’t seen it, go watch it and come back, you’ll definitely understand why people labeled it as such. Many people also disliked that fact that he had sold merch with one of the victims. More specifically, a child victim. In the story it had been strongly hinted at that before he was killed, he was a victim of CSA by The Painter. A lot of people found this act extremely distasteful and inappropriate to sell merch of this nature considering the background behind the image. There are also very graphic mentions of beastilaty, child death, rape, and much more. What are your opinions on him? Do you think the series deserves the hate? Do you think that there is a limit to how far a persons fictional creation can go? Do you think it was okay of him to sell the merch? I’m genuinely curious on hearing your thoughts, especially from this community.
i can see why people think it's distasteful, but i mean he's not forcing anyone to buy it so it's all up to whoever thinks it's cool. plus it's not just straight csa or necessarily making light of it, it's more of a reference to a fictional series