Community The worst mixtape?

I would say animal's Nightmare, Dark Satanas animals version or any shit that includes animal abuse, because those are hard for me to digest. However, I would say that Cicada 3301 is the worst shit in terms of mixtapes, well if it leaves you with a horrible feeling maybe wonderland but I haven't seen that one, can someone tell me what it's about?
I would say animal's Nightmare, Dark Satanas animals version or any shit that includes animal abuse, because those are hard for me to digest. However, I would say that Cicada 3301 is the worst shit in terms of mixtapes, well if it leaves you with a horrible feeling maybe wonderland but I haven't seen that one, can someone tell me what it's about?
Have you watched Darck Satanas Animal Action 2-4?
Clearly you're retarded because it doesn't matter if cp were posted on clear net it's still illegal to watch
Never said that made it not illegal your missing what I was getting at completely fake ripper
I was saying I don't go out of my way to find that shit feds wouldn't care about me in that sense
if someone has cicada 3301 i would really appreciate it if he sent it to me, it must be on the darknet but i can't find it
there is no worse mixtape or legal compilation that is "the strongest"
That's idiotic and stupid my friend sure there can always be a worse mixtape made however due to the hot water you'd end up in you wouldn't try to make or outdo illegal mixtapes unless you just don't care about doing time in prison
That's idiotic and stupid my friend sure there can always be a worse mixtape made however due to the hot water you'd end up in you wouldn't try to make or outdo illegal mixtapes unless you just don't care about doing time in prison

Well, I probably haven't seen enough...