Where did the General Chat go

this forum format is extremely outdated, this site will never really grow beyond what it already is.
i also feel like there needs to be a more user friendly one that makes people want to join ( i say this as someone who used to lurk without registering ) the community is kinda what dragged me here tho lol
Darkmaster should make finally gore level 3- atrocities. It will encorouge new people to join to this forum.
Pretty gey taking gen chat I just noticed prob the geyest thing you have done to the site cus I use gen chat
i also feel like there needs to be a more user friendly one that makes people want to join ( i say this as someone who used to lurk without registering ) the community is kinda what dragged me here tho lol
thats for sure, but that would require work, while removing general chat is easy and convenient and you can convince yourself you're trying to do something

to expand he must liberalize more hardcore gore, it's simple as that. if you're limiting hardcore themes there's watchpeopledie already with a way bigger community and way better interface. This "level" bullshit also discourage new users.